
I write for a living and in my spare time, I write for living. Peace, presence, prose and positivity.


A few words from me to you.

Move breezily past the TikTokers and dance lightly among the comments, likes and re-shares.

Rather shine your light when the world needs reminders to care.

In the classroom of life, there’ll be tantrums and triggers.

Take them as they come and turn the other cheek with vigour.

For remember that in your 13 years of life you’ve already saved a life, embodied life and in many ways mastered life and there’ll be much more from which to take your cue, just remember your gifts, your talents and go deep into the things you like to do.

Embrace and explore what they really are and in doing so you will go very far.

And when things seem boring or unfair go to what lights you up and to those who care.

Yes, you’ve lots of fans, and although you’re still young, we’re all very excited for the person you’re growing to become.

On Dalby Road

Don't wait